Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring joy

Da! A venit in sfarsit primavara (in ciuda faptului ca azi e un pic mai innorat). Strazile, parcurile au prins din nou viata si toata lumea pare mai fericita, mai relaxata :)

In this photo: OanaAida

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Simple life

Life can be simple and happy and meaningful. It's all up to you.

In this photo: Oana

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Giving up?!

What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins. Hopefully :)

Model: Aida

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Confident waiting for you

Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand
And I came here to talk
I hope you understand
(Coldplay - Green eyes)

In this photo: Aida in Parcul Botanic

Monday, March 12, 2012


Eu sunt Rex. Sunt jucaus foc, agitat si foarte prietenos. Imi place sa mananc mult si de-aia cateodata arat ca un butoias. Un butoias blanos cu care te-ai juca non stop. Lessie (v-o mai amintiti pe Lessie?) e mamica mea si are foarte multa grija de mine sa ma fac si eu mare. Mi-a parut bine de cunostinta :P

Friday, March 9, 2012

Streets of Love

While music pumps from passing cars
A couple watched me from a bar
A band just played the wedding march
and the cornerstore mends broken hearts
A woman asked me for a dance
Oh, It's free of charge just one more chance
(Roling Stones)

In Vienna, Austria :)